Thursday, October 11, 2007

This Is Me

"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are." - Joseph Campbell

Life has been very busy for everybody and today I use it as an excuse for not writing in my blog. Please accept my apologies.

This past two years I have been on a journey to a destination not yet known to me. My life, my personality, my wishes, my desires, my needs and my judgements have all changed during this period of time. While I continue to make mistakes, I am becoming more adept at catching myself in the process as opposed to the aftermath of saying, doing or not saying or doing something to hurt another human being. My true desire for my life today is an inner peace that will allow me to be "who I am" instead of "who I should be".

After almost a half century of abuse, my belief today is I owe it to myself to be kind to "me". I have abused my own body, mind and soul for far to long, and in doing so I have abused others as well. Because of my own anger, jealousy, self-hatred, revenge and lies, the only thing I could give to other people was more of the same. It is said that no matter what way you squeeze an orange, you will only get orange juice. In the same way, no matter what way you treat an angry person, the eventual response is going to be anger.

Looking back, I can see today that I really never gave "me" a fighting chance and for that I assume full responsibility. Today is my day, this is my hour, this moment is my moment to allow "me" to be the person I was put here to be. No fireworks, no trumpets blaring, just acknowledging that it is ok to be "me". Maybe now I will have something more valuable to give away.


Blogger Sam Cyrous said...

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12:35 PM  
Blogger SAM said...

Dear Co-Bloggers,

December 10th is the International Day dedicated to Human Rights and this is why I am forwarding you an invitation, to take part of this worldwide activity.

Leave your mark on that day, and help us show all that we are all One World, One Life.

I know you have your own concerns in this matter, and this is why I want to make people aware of it.

I am inviting you to go to and see how you could be a member of this network that holds for one cause: the cause of humanity, the cause of Human Rights.

Thank you,

12:36 PM  

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