Monday, November 20, 2006


"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." - Martin Luther King Jr.

Where does Faith stand in an addictive person's life? Does Spirituality need to be a part of the rebuilding stage in a person's life? Is there a difference between Spirituality and Religion? While there is no way that I can answer these questions in a general all inclusive manner, I can address how each has affected my life. You are permitted to disagree, you are even permitted to laugh a little to yourself, but please never doubt the impact that faith and spirituality has had on my life.

Faith is what got me to Gambler's Anonymous. Faith helped me climb that stairs to my first meeting. Faith brought me back to Gambler's Anonymous each time that I failed. Faith kept me from driving my car into the pond that night. Faith helped me admit that I was powerless over my life. For me, had it not been for my belief that there had to be a better way, maybe I wouldn't be writing in this blog tonight. Was it easy? Never. Did I have my doubts? Always. But my faith in a Higher Power, my constant belief that there was someone there to help me, was the first step in placing me where I am today. My recovery is where it is today because I believe.

Spirituality took over when I finally admitted that I couldn't do this anymore. When I finally said that I wanted to quit, for real, when I finally embraced the program that Gambler's Anonymous offered, that is when spirituality took over. When I realized just how weak I was when it came to gambling, when I realized that I needed help, when I finally had the courage to ask for help, that is when my life began to change. By the way, change didn't take place overnight. There was nothing magical about it. There were no flashing lights or claps of thunder. There was a lot of hard work. There are a lot of sleepless nights. There were times when I didn't think any good would ever come from this change in direction. But I kept asking for help, I kept working hard on the areas of my life that I needed to change, and while I am not there yet or even close, things are a whole lot better than ever before in my life.

For me, a Religion is something that you are a part of, and Spirituality is something that is a part of you. Many people write on forms, applications, certificates and a whole host of documents what their Religion is. Some people even talk out loud about their particular Religion. Some will criticize their own Religion, others will criticize the other persons Religion, but nowhere does it say that because you are this Religion or that Religion you are spiritual. For me, one has little or nothing to do with the other. My spirituality belongs to me. It is not something for me to advertise or brag about. It is a feeling, a belief that I have that everything is going to be okay. If I work hard, admit to my shortcomings, help those that I can help, be honest with myself and others, and live life today. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never be mine, today is all I have and I will not waste it.


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